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So what about me?

I'm in my first year at NC State University and created this website as an english assginment. The purpose of this website is to explore writing in a digital format and writing in a blog. Growing up in Greensboro, NC I had a close family and a lot of pets. Whether it's reading or watching a movie I love to just

hang out at home, but when possible I

love to go out and explore. 




Genre Remix


Blue Jeans - Lana Del Rey

My Thoughts on Writing


As an a reader it has always been clear to me writing was important, if only to tell stories. Throughout this class I learned that writing is much more important then simple story telling. Writing gives its author the ability to have a conversation with anyone who reads their piece, on the other hand privite writing gives its owner the ability to relive moments of their life. Writing is a way to connect, share and experience. Learning about rehtoric and genre this semester has greatly improved my awarness as a writer. Just how I would in different face to face interactions I can now change my persona based on the writing interaction I am in. There is a quote from Epictetus that says "If you wish to be a writer, write". Over the course of this semester I have learned this to be true.

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